Gastric Band Hypnosis
Gastric Band Hypnotherapy is a relatively new hypnosis technique which can help you to lose weight by making you believe that you have had a gastric band fitted. Over the course of 5 sessions, we will work with you to help you understand why you overeat and help you make changes to your eating habits using this unique process. Our Gastric Band Hypnotherapy Hertfordshire clinics do not recommend faddy diets which only tend to work for short periods of time. Instead, our weight loss program is designed to work with you over the long term so that you make long-lasting changes to your dietary habits. We currently offer Gastric Band Hypnotherapy in St Albans and Brookmans Park near Potters Bar.*
The Virtual Gastric Band Program
Gastric Band Hypnosis is designed to take place over a course of 5 sessions where we will work with you to discover the root cause of any emotional reasons for your eating and then we work with you to make the changes that you need to take back control. The reasons for overeating can be numerous but can include, eating to reduce stress and anxiety, eating for comfort, eating to create happiness or even eating to numb unpleasant feelings. Generally, these habits are contained in the unconscious so we are not aware of them in our day to day lives. Gastric Band Hypnotherapy Hertfordshire allows us to discover what those reasons are so that we can change those habits.*
Self-Hypnosis Gastric Band Download
For clients who are unable to attend our clinics, we have the full gastric band hypnotherapy five-set download program available to purchase online today from our online shop. Five weight loss hypnosis audios to help kick start your diet program.

In addition to working with you to uncover any emotional eating issues, you will also undergo a virtual operation which will make your unconscious mind make you believe that you have had a gastric band fitted. This tricks your subconscious into believing that your stomach is significantly smaller which means that you will feel full more quickly and eat less. Gastric Band Hypnotherapy Hertfordshire only uses natural techniques which means that you will not need any expensive supplements, meal replacements or risky surgery. Click for some of our latest Weight Loss Testimonials.*
Booking Your Gastric Band Hypnosis Program
If you would like to talk to us about Gastric Band Hypnotherapy in Hertfordshire then we offer a free telephone consultation to all potential clients. Please call:
07771 804 974
*Please note that as this is a form of therapy we are unable to guarantee results which may vary from person to person